Some Facts Related to LPG
Liquefied petroleum gas or LPG is one of the most popular fuels used all over the world today. Liquefied petroleum gas is also known as LPG or Autogas. LPG is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases utilized as a fuel for several purposes. It is mainly used for heating appliances and used as auto fuel in vehicles. As an aerosol propellant, it replaces chlorofluorocarbons. It is also utilized as a refrigerant mainly to minimize the damage caused to the ozone layer.
Even after being a versatile fuel, it has not become popular in rural areas of developing countries where wood, oil, coal, and other sources are utilized for their daily activities like heating, cooking, etc. There is still a lot to be done in such areas to make people aware of the amazing benefits of LPG over other fuels.
LPG is also utilized as an alternative for Diesel and petroleum. The most important reason behind LPG being preferred over petroleum and Diesel is because it is a cheaper and environmentally friendly fuel. The maintenance needed while using LPG is also less than other fuels. It is a fossil fuel and is obtained by refining natural gas and oil.
LPG is a mixture of hydrocarbons with propane and butane as main constituents. LPG is a by-product that is obtained by the processing of natural gas. It is mainly propane and thus the features of propane are mostly taken as an approximation to those of LPG. When there is a production of natural gas, it constitutes methane and other hydrocarbons which can be easily isolated in a gas processing plant. During processing, several natural gas liquid components are found.
The demand for LPG as cooking gas, auto fuel is increasing day by day due to which the demand for gas companies in Oman is also increasing. People are becoming more conscious about the environment and switching to LPG for this purpose. It hardly produces any harmful substances which are bad for the environment and our health. Though as said, there is still a lot to be done in rural areas to make LPG more popular.
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